Product Code: LF Compositae (2.5<3 cm) & LPBut. Design 1 (SS) EH (6.1.21)
Real Compositae flowers paired and preserved in resin with a dangling Paper Butterflies are crafted in eye-catching earrings.
The Compositae family of flowers is composed of many varieities.
Only Compositae flowers blooming at the time an order is placed will be used to produce the earring.
For Compositae flowers available and their various dyed colors, please see Small - Med. Compositae flower color chart below.
For paper butterfly varieties and their colors available, please visit the Paper Butterfly color chart. Comes with Sterling Silver earring accessories
Compositae flower=2.5 <3 cm diameter; Approx.1/2 an earring size: 3 cm W x 5-6.5 cm L
Blooming all year round.
Blooming Season : Oct/Nov until Jan/Feb.
Blooming Season : Oct/Nov until Jan/Feb
Zinnia (2 cm) : Blooming around Rainy Season (June-October) -Single Petal Layer.
Zinnia (4 cm & up) : Blooming around Winter Season (October-February)- Compound Petal.